#Self-Efficacy April 20

Coach4aday is a daily blog that began in 2014. The posts are mostly shared ideas to help people grow and learn. You can follow the blog with one of the like buttons found on top left of Coach4aday website.

In 2020 some Coach4aday posts will feature lessons learned by completing, planning, and experiencing 30 day challenges. The challenges include physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional.


George Raveling has a fantastic twitter feed called The Daily Coach.

I love his writing because the man is so well read. He is model for the term voracious reader. I strongly encourage you to listen to Tim Ferris Podcast with George Raveling

When you consume the writings of well read leaders you often come across words that are unfamiliar to you. That happened two weeks ago with a word that Coach Raveling used. That word was SELF-EFFICACY.

self efficacy

In his post about SELF-EFFICACY he talks about a 1963 paper written by Albert Bandura

The definition of SELF-EFFICACY simply put is the belief in one’s own abilities.

I am including a quote from Coach Raveling below on what it means moving forward.

Self-efficacy is the belief we have in our own abilities, specifically our ability to meet the challenges ahead of us and complete a task successfully. We struggled with this problem before the pandemic occurred, and we will long after it’s over.

The secret to discipline is daily habits. When you decide to take on a new task or habit and complete it you are building SELF-EFFICACY. The secret to living a disciplined and productive life is to do that every single day. COVID 19 is presenting all of us opportunities to grow. Take advantage of that opportunity.


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